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Dallas 500

Meet the Dallas 500: Michele Shibuya, Mohr Partners

The chief operating officer talks about what she learned from her first job, emerging tech she's keeping an eye on, and more.
Michele Shibuya

After joining her husband, Robert, in buying tenant representation powerhouse Mohr Partners in 2017, Michele Shibuya took on various roles across multiple departments to gain a well-rounded understanding of the business. “It taught me the value of adaptability, teamwork, and embracing new challenges,” she says. Her prep work led to her being named chief operating officer last year. She now oversees human resources, information technology, legal and risk management, marketing, and corporate communications. Shibuya is credited with having played a key role in the company’s evolution from a full-service U.S. firm into one that advises an international array of clients. Earlier this year, Mohr Partners further entrenched its status by forming a partnership with Canadian commercial real estate firm CDNGlobal.


University of Southern California (BA)

First Job

“I worked the late shift in an inbound call center taking orders for commercial advertisements and learned that people don’t make optimal purchases in the middle of the night.”   

Best Advice

“Anticipate. Be constantly looking forward and not back.” 


“My favorite activity is traveling or planning travel to new places with my lifelong girlfriends.”

Destination of Choice

“I love returning to my childhood home in Maui.”

Dinner Party

“If I could have dinner with any two local execs, I’d choose Craig Hall because entrepreneurs of his caliber are rare and Fred Perpall because I love his story and balance of life.”

Industry Change

“I’m proud of our work to make commercial real estate more diverse and inclusive.”

Key Strategies

“Don’t say no to people’s ideas. Listen to your employees and clients.”

Guilty Pleasure

“Overindulging in the candy in my office”

Fun Fact

“On a recent trip with my girlfriends, I beat them all at a monkey bars obstacle course.”


“I just finished Jim Lowry’s Change Agent. Jim is an inspirational leader who is changing the economic landscape for minorities.”

Pivotal Moment

“When Bob and I bought Mohr Partners and moved to Texas from California, it reaffirmed that unexpected turns can lead to rewarding outcomes.”

Local Fare

“My go-to is Le Bilboquet’s Cajun chicken.”

Spirit Animal

“A hummingbird because it is always moving, compact in size, and relentless in its mission.”

Walk-Up Song

“I’d choose ‘Jump’ by Van Halen. It’s a reminder of my Pasadena roots, it’s upbeat and motivating, and it symbolizes success and taking chances—all qualities I want to bring each and every day into my work life.”

I Collect

“I collect hotel pens from all the places I travel to.”

Alternate Reality

“I like to be on job sites and build structures, so if I weren’t in my current career, I would probably become a developer.”

Future Forcast

“I’m keeping an eye on the possibilities of the integration of generative artificial intelligence.”
