Thursday, June 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024
92° F Dallas, TX

Leading Off (10/26/23)


Bond Task Force Cuts Housing, Economic Development. Next year’s bond will ask voters to approve the city borrowing $1.1 billion, and the majority will be allotted for parks and streets. The task force charged with recommendations took the most from a bucket belonging to housing, economic development, and homelessness, which dipped from $275 million to $100 million. Streets and transportation will eat up $375 million, while parks will get $300 million. If the election is in May, the City Council will need to approve the allotments by February.

Hey, We Got Rain. Dallas proper got a little over 4 inches of rain overnight, while some parts of the metro area got up to 6. That was more than what was expected, and some flash flooding was reported around Irving. We still have rain in the forecast today, but it won’t be like last night. Allegedly.

New House Speaker Was Once a Plano Attorney. Rep. Mike Johnson ended the speaker deadlock in the U.S. House, and the Shreveport lawmaker lived in Plano about a decade ago. He argued religious freedom cases on behalf of the First Liberty Institute in 2011 and 2012, voted against legalizing gay marriage, and led the amicus brief among House Republicans that attempted to keep Donald Trump in office after he lost the presidential election.


Matt Goodman

Matt Goodman

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Matt Goodman is the online editorial director for D Magazine. He's written about a surgeon who killed, a man who…