Friday, June 28, 2024 Jun 28, 2024
82° F Dallas, TX

Leading Off: More on Seedlings, Images of Dallas in the 1970s, and Art Orgs’ New Normal


1. Yesterday Joshua Goode filed this review of the Dallas Contemporary’s second show in its new Design District space: Seedlings. Over on Glasstire, artist/writer Margaret Meehan offers her own take of the show, which she visited not without some trepidation:

Perhaps I was afraid of being disappointed? Perhaps it was because I hadn’t heard much that could get me in the doors (no air conditioning, $10 cover charge, artists and curators being accosted by an aggressive microphone, not scheduling openings with other galleries in the Design District, etc…) Perhaps I was waiting for the changing of the guard to take place and a chance to welcome the new director whomever that may be… I did find some nice work, but the show’s layout and the lighting left much to be desired.

2. Esteemed rummager of Flickr and local historical archives, Robert Wilonsky, has churned up another historical treasure trove over on Unfair Park: NickDeWolf’s Flickr archive of photographs from Dallas in the late 1970s.

3. Arts organizations are getting used to the new normal: cutbacks and belt-tightening in the midst of tough economic times. According the Seattle Times, audiences are necessarily shrinking, but patrons are buying cheaper tickets and those all important corporate, foundation, and individual donations continue to decline.
